วันศุกร์ที่ 14 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2550

My good remember

Today I have free time. I’m not have class at ABAC. I should read many book because next week I should have a final-exam. Moot Court has been finished already. I want to show my graft in a criminal case. I did it well. Prof. Jasper give me B+. This is my first time that I get B+ in English Subject. I did it my best.

This work is last grade in English2 room with Prof. Jasper. I want to show everybody that I can do for this work. I feel good when I hear my grade. I want to show my case and my work. This is the best work for me.

Moot Court
Opening statement

This case is a big crime case. I want to say Mr.Casper was guilty.Mr.Casper had kill a good neighbor that don’t know everything. Mr.Casper kill him same a animal. He use a 0.38 gun bullet to kill him.he shoot at important part of body. He shoot for three times at head and neck. It not a game Mr.Casper. He is human not animal. Mr.Casper don’t have a moral. Mr.Casper don’t have a good reason about Mafia threat you with a little paper on your car that you park at school. It’s not sure about little paper that come from Mafia if Mafia want to threat,Mafia don’t want to threat you for this way. Mafia can kill you at school if they want. This threat paper should come from Casper’s student. They want to joke with you. And this is a reason that you kill Mr.Clanton. He is your friend. An accident in your house about golf ball that can happen all the time. If your son kick a ball into your house and break down a window you can kill him? Mr.Casper must go into the jail all his life. He intend to kill a person.


-What did you see at Casper’s house?
-What did you do that night ?
-Please describe everything that you see?
-Do you tell me what Mr.Casper do with Mr Clanton?
-What do you do when clanton dead?
-How do you feel?
-If you were Clanton’father what do you do?


-What did you see or hear at Casper’s house ?
-How about relationship in house’s area?
-What do you do that night ?
-Do you know Mr.Clanton activity at evening?
-If you have a baby and your baby play football and he kick a ball into Casper’s house and he kill your baby what do you do ?


-How many years that your work for this job?
-How about distance from a gun to Mr.Clanton’s body?
-How about a point of bullet into Mr.Clanton’s body?
-You can tell me that event should intend or self-defend?

-X-ray film

Closing statement
I want everybody in a court room think everything that I have to tell you.Before your vote. You should think carefully. I want you think about this event happen in your life. If you have a son, brother, sister or your family play a football after a school he or she play football near Casper’s house and then he doesn’t intend to kick a ball into Casper’s house and broke a window and your son was died because Mr.Casper is worry about Mafia threaten and think your son should be a Mafia come to kill him.Then Mr. Casper kill yours son. What do you do? Thank you

I should remember this experience in Moot Court and bring it to use. One day I am good prosecutor I would say “Thank you Prof. Jasper that give me to be a prosecutor in class because I want to be a Prosecutor.

1 ความคิดเห็น:

Jasper กล่าวว่า...

I am sure you will be a good prosecutor someday!!