วันพุธที่ 15 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2550

Tried and Try

After I knew a Mid-term exam score . I worried about my future too much . I got grade D in English 2 , it about outside reading book , The Limitation ,. I thought this book so hard . This story harder than “A time to kill” and “The Firm” in English1 . It ‘s sure ! because this is English2 . I was worried about grammar in the exam , I was confused when I saw paper sheet for exam . In my heart wanted to cried .

I tried so hard to read a book and writing essay about The Limitation . I should improve my English language . I like Prof. Jasper because he training many student to speak and answer in English but I was afraid when he asked some question for me . I should pay-attention more than before mid-term exam . I was sad about my mid-term score . I lost 2 point for pass in mid-term exam . In vocabulary part , I lost many point for some word . I had got 0 point , 1 point . I was something in my brain . I’m afraid class–exam when I was sitting in class-exam ,I was confused .

Today I should forget about grade D in mid-term exam and try again . Try to read new outside reading book ,American crime stories , I think this story easier than “The Limitation”. I should read more than The Limitation . I want to pass English2 and go to English3 . I don’t know about my score can pass but I must do my best . I trust my self can pass English2.
