วันศุกร์ที่ 14 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2550

My good remember

Today I have free time. I’m not have class at ABAC. I should read many book because next week I should have a final-exam. Moot Court has been finished already. I want to show my graft in a criminal case. I did it well. Prof. Jasper give me B+. This is my first time that I get B+ in English Subject. I did it my best.

This work is last grade in English2 room with Prof. Jasper. I want to show everybody that I can do for this work. I feel good when I hear my grade. I want to show my case and my work. This is the best work for me.

Moot Court
Opening statement

This case is a big crime case. I want to say Mr.Casper was guilty.Mr.Casper had kill a good neighbor that don’t know everything. Mr.Casper kill him same a animal. He use a 0.38 gun bullet to kill him.he shoot at important part of body. He shoot for three times at head and neck. It not a game Mr.Casper. He is human not animal. Mr.Casper don’t have a moral. Mr.Casper don’t have a good reason about Mafia threat you with a little paper on your car that you park at school. It’s not sure about little paper that come from Mafia if Mafia want to threat,Mafia don’t want to threat you for this way. Mafia can kill you at school if they want. This threat paper should come from Casper’s student. They want to joke with you. And this is a reason that you kill Mr.Clanton. He is your friend. An accident in your house about golf ball that can happen all the time. If your son kick a ball into your house and break down a window you can kill him? Mr.Casper must go into the jail all his life. He intend to kill a person.


-What did you see at Casper’s house?
-What did you do that night ?
-Please describe everything that you see?
-Do you tell me what Mr.Casper do with Mr Clanton?
-What do you do when clanton dead?
-How do you feel?
-If you were Clanton’father what do you do?


-What did you see or hear at Casper’s house ?
-How about relationship in house’s area?
-What do you do that night ?
-Do you know Mr.Clanton activity at evening?
-If you have a baby and your baby play football and he kick a ball into Casper’s house and he kill your baby what do you do ?


-How many years that your work for this job?
-How about distance from a gun to Mr.Clanton’s body?
-How about a point of bullet into Mr.Clanton’s body?
-You can tell me that event should intend or self-defend?

-X-ray film

Closing statement
I want everybody in a court room think everything that I have to tell you.Before your vote. You should think carefully. I want you think about this event happen in your life. If you have a son, brother, sister or your family play a football after a school he or she play football near Casper’s house and then he doesn’t intend to kick a ball into Casper’s house and broke a window and your son was died because Mr.Casper is worry about Mafia threaten and think your son should be a Mafia come to kill him.Then Mr. Casper kill yours son. What do you do? Thank you

I should remember this experience in Moot Court and bring it to use. One day I am good prosecutor I would say “Thank you Prof. Jasper that give me to be a prosecutor in class because I want to be a Prosecutor.

วันเสาร์ที่ 8 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2550

Monday 3,2007 Moot Court

Today I have a big work in English2. I make up at 11:00 A.M. Prof. Jasper give a activity in class. It is Moot Court. He chooses children to be in Moot Court. I am Prosecutor. It hard for me. I speak English not well but Prosecutor should speak very much. Prosecutor is important in Court. A case is so hard. A Lawyer should better than Prosecutor but I should do my best. I have three witness. I should think much. I’m so try because this week I have many works to do. I talk with my witness and make a draft and plan to do in Moot Court. I’m worry for this work. I should think carefully for this case. This case is Crime case. I should offer a punishment about go in the jail all his life.

After English 2 Class I have a Law Class at 17:00 PM. I try to do English2’s work with my friend. We do a draft together. I have a big problem with many words in Law. When I go home I take a bath and read some case in internet and have a conversation with my friend in MSN. My friend tell me about a case in Moot Court change in other case. I’m shock for this. I’m so try because I do old case many page and I can understand for this case and I know what I should do in Moot Court. New case is very hard. It harder than old case. My friend tell me a new case. It different all of the case. I’m should listen to a writer tomorrow. But I have a little plan that my friend tell me for new case. Tomorrow I will have a big conversation with my friend and Section 884
Thank God.

วันเสาร์ที่ 1 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2550

Preview Before Kick-off

On Sunday night, Chelsea and Aston villa should have a match in English Premiere League. If Chelsea loose Aston villa, Chelsea should go down for the top to second rank because on Saturday Liverpool can get 3 point and get many scores so Liverpool is the top of rank now. But if Chelsea can get a point by they draw Aston villa or they can win and get 3 point they should a top of rank but they have one match more than Liverpool.

I think Aston villa is strength team. They have good counter-attack. They have new player so good confidence. They can fight Chelsea on 90minutes. Aston villa have full team and good condition to play this night.

Chelsea is a perfect team today but they loose many goals but they can win later. I think this match not easy because Chelsea not good defend today
So I think Chelsea 1-2 Aston villa. And you

Monday 27,2007

Today I have a Criminal law class at 8:00 A.M. My home far from Assumption University ,so I should get up early. I set alarm clock for 6.00A.M. I’m so try and lazy but I can get up and go to Assumption University not late for Criminal Law class. My friend absents again. She doesn’t get up. She sleep so much. I don’t have a time to have a breakfast. I’m so hungry but I don’t want to late for a Criminal Law class. I want to study for this subject. I study alone for this class.

When class finish I go to eat breakfast at 11.45A.M. I’m so try and stomach very much. I meet my friend to eat and go to play game “Winning Eleven” this game is a football game in Play-station2. My friend likes this game very much. I have English2 class at 14:00P.M. I worry when I have English2 class with Prof. Jasper because I get low score for English2 and try to do best but I get C all my life “Oh my god” I’m try. I don’t know why I try so hard but I get C again I’m worry about my English language. I want to go to English3 I should try to read and write more and more. I think English2 so hard.

Then I have break-time for 2hours. I go to eat lunch and play game with my friend. I have some conversation about football. At 6:00P.M.has a Futsal match. My Law Faculty see BBA. I want to cheer my Faculty but I have class on that time. I should study and after that I would go to see this match. My Faculty loose BBA for 8-7. Nearly to win because I could see in last quarter, my faculty play very well in this match and can get many score but no more time for them.

Then I go home at 19.15P.M. this day is a normal day. Traffic Jam again. I’m so bore for this event everyday in Thailand. When I arrive home I have a dinner with my family. I have a bath. I should to teach my brother to do homework. My brother is good boy, he pay-attention when I teach him but homework so hard because My brother’s school, Saint Gabriel College, teach every subject in English.And I have free-time I should do Blogger. I think Blogger is a good way to improve my English skill. I like to do this but I don’t like to write a Journal in a diary because it not beautiful.

Last, I want to sleep and good dream and I pound god to give me a chance, lucky, good brain, improve my skill and pass English2.

Thank everything in the world.

วันเสาร์ที่ 25 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2550

Thusday 23,2007 at Siam-center

Today is a free-day for me. I don’t have class at Assumption University. I went to sleep all day. I’m so tried because yesterday, I had many subject at Assumption University, I got a cold because at University had raining. I felt terrible when I knew my English score. I’m worry about it. I think about it so much but it not a good way. I will forget and try to do my best for English2.

In the morning about 8:00 a.m. My girlfriend wake me up on my bed with mobile-phone. She tells me to send her to Siam-center. What? I’m so tired but I have two way in my brain. First, continued my dream and sleep all day, Second Get up this is wonderful day, yesterday so terrible. This is a new day. I choose second way because if I continued sleep I wouldn’t do blogger. I think when my girlfriend study extra-learning at Siam-Computer that means I have a time to do blogger for Prof. Jasper. O.K. let’s go to siam-center

Now I have free-time to do blogger. I’m in Milk-Plus at 11:00 P.M. I have breakfast in Milk-Plus very quiet. I like to do my work when any place quiet.

I went to tell about Siam’s society. When I see everybody in Siam-center, I feel good and I have a smile. 70% at Siam-center were happy. They are student about 15-18 years old. Their grade about school and University. They can play, shopping, walk at Siam but I don’t know about 11:00 A.M. is finish a school. They are fun. Some people about 18 years old. I think they have break-time and have a lunch. Chula University much in Siam-center. I think Siam-center is a place that have a modern in Thailand. Everybody can go to Siam-center. Siam-center is full system: Food land, drinking, shopping, learning etc.
It’s a good place for me to do my work. Thank you Siam-center.

Quiz so hard !!!!!!!

I really know the true meaning of words “tired”. Because of I am very tired today !!!. Last night, I reviewed the lesson for quiz today. I tired so much, but I couldn’t sleep without finishing reading the book. Today, I get up early with a lot of stress about test. I can’t remember something in textbook and I don’t have a time to answer the question. When I go into the class before one hour, I suddenly review the lesson again. I try to memorize. And, I must read outside reading book in the same time. It is very tiring!. After Finishing the quiz about 15:00 P.M.. I extremely tired so much more than before the test. By the way, I go to Siam with my friend for withdrawing my sum of money at Siam Commercial Bank. Then, I come home by own car. When I arrive, I sprawl on my soft bed. Close my eyes slowly but not sleep. I feel relaxed. Few minutes later, I have dinner with my mother. During having a dinner, I tell her about the quiz and everything which happen today that I am so tired, really!. Really tired. I don’t get this feeling before today. Still I remember sometime in my brain and my heart. Something is “LABOR OMNIA VINCIN” This something always makes my feeling so special.

วันเสาร์ที่ 18 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2550

Next match for Manchester city

After Manchester city had been take over by Mr.Thaksin Chinawat. Manchester city go to good way by Svengoran Erikson. First match Manchester city had won Westham. I think Westham was agood team and good player in team. That’s means Manchester city should work hard, so Manchester city could get 3 points for this match. Manchester city2-0Westham: 2goal come from new player. I think this season Manchester city would dangerous.

Second match, everybody look for Manchester city. Manchester city don’t worry about pressure that they receive from Manchester city’s fan club. Manchester city can won again, get 3 points from Derby. I think Manchester city can control a game and take pressure off.

Today Manchester city had a good system and good confidence and coach. I think Manchester city should better than a moment.

Next match Manchester city has a match with English Premiere League Champion of 2006-2007,Manchester united, It a Derby match for 2 teams. That can show Manchester city’s confidence and skill about Manchester city .Last 2matchs Manchester united can’t win. Manchester united had draw for Reading and Portsmouth. Manchester united get 2points for 2matchs.Manchester united should be better than Manchester city. Manchester United have many injury players: Wayne Roony, Chistiano Ronaldo. There are important player for Manchester united.

I think this match should be excite. I think Manchester city 2-2 Manchester united. This is my prospect.

วันศุกร์ที่ 17 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2550

If I were Liverpool's manager

Rafael Benitez is a Liverpool’s manager. If I were Rafael Benitez I should do my best for Liverpool to get English Premiere League Champion. First I would sell some players that without my system. I would sell some player same Rafael Benitez : Craig Bellamy ,Zenden ,Cisse, Mark Gonzalez,. I will keep Luis Garcia at Liverpool because when he has a name for some match he can make different ,he play very well if he has a good position that he like and when he has a full condition. Rafael Benitez had sell Luis Garcia to Atlantico Madrid because he want to sign world class striker he is Fernando Torres. Rafael Benitez doesn’t has choice because Fernando Torres value is 26 millions pound but Rafael Benitez doesn’t want to pay 26 millions pound. So Atlantico Madrid offer about 21 millions pound and Luis Garcia. Rafael Benitez has talk with Luis Garcia about him moved to Atlantico Madrid. He say “yes” to set to Atlantico Madrid that is a reason. If I were Rafael Benitez I would pay 26 millions to sign Fernando Torres and keep Luis Garcia, I like him very much because he has hardworking at Liverpool but I think Rafael Benitez doesn’t use Luis Garcia so he had accept Atlantico Madrid offer.

I worry about Mohamed Sissoko. I think before he had injury he was a important player defensive midfield for Liverpool. He had good defend and he was a young player. After he had out off injury and have good condition. He play lower standard and Liverpool have more midfield: Gerrard, Alonso, Mascherano, Benayoun, Lucas. Their many midfield so I want sold him.

Rafael Benitez has big ploblem about 11 real players in team. He want to use rotation. I think rotation it a good tactic to set for Liverpool but this mean every players in Liverpool can play good team work together. He should test other player for many position in English Premiere League. If player that he test can play well that so lucky but that player can’t play and not standard. It’s means Liverpool could lost 3 points.

I think Liverpool should have 11 real players in team so if Liverpool have real player in team, you should set a good system and structure for Liverpool and substitutes should learning about system and structure and can learn for real player. Then that means rotation can use foe Liverpool. You can make different for a team.

I have 11 real player :Reina, Agger, Carragher, Riise, Finnan, Gerrard, Alonso, Babel, Kuyt, Voronin, Torres. I should use 4-3-3 Counter Attack tactic. Liverpool a good midfield and defensive but Liverpool have a ploblem at forward position so I think in this season a ploblem have to clear because in team have many striker. I would use three strikers and set Fernando Torres to Target striker, set Babel to left striker and set Voronin to right striker. There are three forwards. I would use three midfields. Gerrard and Alonso should set to center midfield. Kuyt set to attack midfield. I would use four defensive. I think this plan were good. In forward position can switch. In midfield Gerrard can up and down on every field ,he is playmaker. Alonso can go down to help defensive player, Carragher, I trust four defensive player they can fight much pressure.

I think this is a good tactic and plan for Liverpool only. I would please for Rafael Benitez used my plan. Thank you .

Preview Before Kick-off

On Sunday 19 August 2007 , Liverpool will has a match with Chelsea . This match will be important match because Chelsea and Liverpool were Big4 in English Premiere League . Which team could be win in this match ,it should be get 3 points . It important when Big4 had a match together . I was Liverpool’s fan club . If Liverpool could get 3 point on Sunday that means Liverpool should be happy and had have confidence. Liverpool far from English Premiere League Champion for 17 years. If Liverpool want to get champion, They must have good condition , self-confidence , trust in team .This match will tell about Liverpool’s efficiency to get Champion.

Chelsea were good team . They had been good coach , player and staff . I believe Chelsea want 3 point for Liverpool very much . They had a good striker and good defensive but on Sunday they should be miss many important player : Captain John Terry , Drogba , Peter Cech . If Chelsea missed these player that should be more effect and Chelsea will play at Anfield . Liverpool play at Anfield very good because it is Liverpool’s home . But I think Chelsea will be fight to last second .

Liverpool were good condition more than Chelsea because Liverpool don’t have injuried player and Liverpool play at Anfield .Liverpool play good when they play at home .Liverpool have full-team to kick-off on Sunday .Captain Gerrard want to be Champion so much ,he want 3 points only. Fernado Torres want to be Hero at Anfield in this match and he want to get a first goal in this important match .

I think a score could be 3-1 ,Liverpool could win this match . Liverpool can get 3 point on Sunday . Fernando Torres and Gerrard can got a goal . This is my prostect.

วันพุธที่ 15 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2550

Tried and Try

After I knew a Mid-term exam score . I worried about my future too much . I got grade D in English 2 , it about outside reading book , The Limitation ,. I thought this book so hard . This story harder than “A time to kill” and “The Firm” in English1 . It ‘s sure ! because this is English2 . I was worried about grammar in the exam , I was confused when I saw paper sheet for exam . In my heart wanted to cried .

I tried so hard to read a book and writing essay about The Limitation . I should improve my English language . I like Prof. Jasper because he training many student to speak and answer in English but I was afraid when he asked some question for me . I should pay-attention more than before mid-term exam . I was sad about my mid-term score . I lost 2 point for pass in mid-term exam . In vocabulary part , I lost many point for some word . I had got 0 point , 1 point . I was something in my brain . I’m afraid class–exam when I was sitting in class-exam ,I was confused .

Today I should forget about grade D in mid-term exam and try again . Try to read new outside reading book ,American crime stories , I think this story easier than “The Limitation”. I should read more than The Limitation . I want to pass English2 and go to English3 . I don’t know about my score can pass but I must do my best . I trust my self can pass English2.

วันจันทร์ที่ 13 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2550

First match for The Kop

On Saturday 11 , August 2007 , Liverpool had a match Televistion with Aston villa . I ' m a Liverpool ' s fanclub , The Kop ,. I waited for English Premiere League for 2 month . I think it a long time for me . I love Liverpool and I want to see Liverpool played .

Liverpool had signed new player from Atlantico Madrid to Liverpool . He was Fernando Torres . He got Number 9 from " The God " Robbie Fowler . He was the most valued , 21 millions pound . He had a name in first match . I waited for this match for 2 month . When match kicked off . I ' m excited and worry because in the past Liverpool can't won on first match in English Premiere League about 15 years . But this team were changed enough and had a better player than the past . First half Liverpool could controled this game and good teamwork . Liverpool got a goal in first half by Astonvilla had owned goal . Liverpool 1 : 0 Astonvilla . I was happy for this score but little worried about draw with Astonvilla because Astonvilla had a good teamwork . Second half Astonvilla could played easy because Liverpool wait and counter-attack but 84 minutes Jamie Caragher had hand ball in penalty . Astonvilla got penalty kicked and it a bad dream for me . Liverpool 1 : 1 Astonvilla but I trust Liverpool ' s player and I believed Liverpool would won in this match . For 2 minutes Steven Gerrard captain of The Kop could did it . Liverpool got free-kick he kicked a ball to Astonvilla net .It beautiful goal . Liverpool got 3 points in first match . I thaught Liverpool didn't give up they fight to last minute .

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 12 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2550

Wonderful day

10 August 2007
Wow wow wow! . I get well from a diarrhea that I suffered from a stomachace last week.But today , I get better. I still take a medicine one time . I go to a temple with my mother . I make merit and virue . I am very happy . I feel fresh though the weather is not beautiful . Today , the weather is very suuny . I like to go to a temple . I like to let birds , fish , and tortles go . And my mother does too . At this time , I am relax . My mother and I , we offer food to Buddhist monks and offer alms too . At my home , I always meditate about 5-15 minutes perday . After meditating , I will have a lot of concentrations to read book , to write a journal , to do my homework , and to review the lesson . Tomorrow , I will go to the University early because I will do exercise of outside reading book with my friends in group at the place beside the Bookstore . So , I must go to bed now , and get up early tomorrow .

I absent from class

9 August 2007
Oh , my God ! . What ' s wrong with me ?. I have diarrhea ?. Yes , I have . I have a stomachache so much . I go in toilet and go out and go in and go out , go in go out again and again . It ' s about 06.45 am . That time , I will go to University . But today , I have a stomachache too much therefore I don't go to University . In fact , I don't want to be absent from class if not necessary too much . Today ,it has conversation with Pro.Jasper about a movie that I saw , outside reading book . But yesterday . I so tired too . I take a medicine and then , take a rest . After three hours , I get better .I get up from my bed and write down in my note book . I also stomachache . I finish writing a journal and read book but not too much . I have dinner and take medicine again . About 19.00 p.m. I feel better than . It ' s O.K. This day is bad day that I suffer from diarrhea and stomachache so much . Moreover , I have a internal heat too.